English Translation【第11課】タテとヨコ・中級から学ぶ日本語(テーマ別)三訂版

こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.



  1. Who do you talk to when you’re in trouble?
  2. Have your parents ever scolded you? If so, when was it?
  3. Have you ever had an argument with a friend? If so, when did it happen?


The parent-child relationship has become more like that of friends, and students speak to their teachers as if they are peers. Both parents and teachers refrain from saying harsh things because they value relationships. Issues like young employees not using respectful language at work are no longer emphasized. We are now in an era where the long-standing hierarchical relationships have faded into the background, and the focus is on free and equal horizontal connections.

In a society with strict hierarchical relationships, individuals had no choice but to maintain those relationships, and if their social status was different, they could not even speak casually. Ignoring the hierarchy in everyday situations would lead to backlash from others, and they would not be treated as peers. Even after the abolition of the class system, vertical relationships remained prominent in family, school, and workplace dynamics, leading to Japan being referred to as a vertical society.

It is natural for the nature of human relationships to manifest in a form suitable for the times. However, in a horizontal society that values free and equal relationships, connections often consist of just making phone calls or sending emails to confirm, “I am not alone; I am connected to someone.” This can lead to relationships that lack responsibility. Indeed, the vertical relationships were stifling and strict. However, whether it was supervisors or parents, those in higher positions had clear responsibilities and roles. Raising children and subordinates to become independent was part of that role, and children and subordinates accepted the vertical relationships with this understanding. As a result, relationships built on mutual trust were fostered.

In a horizontal society, relationships that require strict interactions are not welcomed. However, casual relationships without responsibility or roles do not lead to trustworthy connections. While we cannot say that vertical relationships have completely disappeared, it is now essential to seriously consider what is being lost due to the increasing importance placed on horizontal connections.


  1. What is the current relationship between parents and children, as well as between teachers and students?
  2. What does the author say about the current era?
  3. What was society like with strict hierarchical relationships?
  4. What happens if one ignores the hierarchical relationships?
  5. What is a “horizontal society”?
  6. What were the responsibilities and roles of superiors and parents in a hierarchical relationship?
  7. What is not welcomed in a horizontal society?
  8. What does the author say is necessary now?



  1. What does the author say about the relationships in a vertical society?
  2. How about horizontal society?
  3. What do you think is being lost in a horizontal society?


  1. What kind of person is your best friend? Why did you become friends with that person? What kind of conversations do you have with that person?
  2. Do you prefer being with other people? Do you prefer being alone? If so, why?

