【JLPT N3 grammar】っけ? | Meanings and Examples | Japanese Grammar

っけ? 文法 中級 (intermediate)
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.

説明 (Explanation)


意味 (Meaning):記憶を呼び起こすための助詞です。この表現は、「思い出した」「覚えているか」「確認してみて」といったニュアンスを持ちます。

英語(English):“っけ” is a colloquial and informal Japanese expression used to indicate uncertainty or to seek confirmation about something the speaker is trying to remember. It is often added at the end of a sentence or question.

例文 (Examples)

  1. 昨日何食べたっけ?
  2. この映画見たっけ?
  3. テストは来週だっけ?
  4. 明日雨だっけ?
  5. 何だっけ?

ひらなが (Hiragana)

  1. きのうなにたべたっけ?
  2. このえいがみたっけ?
  3. テストはらいしゅうだっけ?
  4. あしたあめだっけ?
  5. なんだっけ?

英語翻訳 (English Translation)

  1. What did I eat yesterday?
  2. Did I watch this movie?
  3. Was the test scheduled for next week?
  4. Is it going to rain tomorrow?
  5. What was it again?

