Learn the Months of the Year in Japanese: Vocabulary and Usage

Months in Japanese 初級 (beginner)
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.

Knowing the months of the year in Japanese is essential for effective communication, whether you’re discussing plans, celebrating birthdays, or navigating cultural events. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the names of the months, their meanings, and some useful tips for remembering them. Understanding this vocabulary will not only improve your language skills but also deepen your appreciation for Japanese culture. Let’s dive into the world of Japanese months!

Months in Japanese

In Japanese, we just need to use numbers to count the months. It’s very simple, isn’t it? April, July, and September have special pronunciations.

1いちがつ (ichi gatsu)
2にがつ (ni gatsu)
3さんがつ (san gatsu)
4しがつ (shi gatsu)
5ごがつ (go gatsu)
6ろくがつ (roku gatsu)
7しちがつ (shichi gatsu)
8はちがつ (hachi gatsu)
9くがつ (ku gatsu)
10じゅうがつ (jū gatsu)
11じゅういちがつ (jū ichi gatsu)
12じゅうにがつ (jū ni gatsu)
What monthなんがつ (nan gatsu)

Days in Japanese

The numbers from 1 to 10 have special pronunciations, so you need to memorize them. However, starting from 11, you simply combine the numbers with “nichi.”

1tsuitachi17jū shichi nichi
2futsuka18jū hachi nichi
3mikka19jū ku nichi
5itsuka21ni jū ichi nichi
6muika22ni jū ni nichi
7nanoka23ni jū san nichi
8yōka24ni jū yokka
9kokonoka25ni jū go nichi
10tōka26ni jū roku nichi
11jū ichi nichi27ni jū shichi nichi
12jū ni nichi28ni jū hachi nichi
13jū san nichi29ni jū ku nichi
14jū yokka30san jū nichi
15jū go nichi31san jū ichi nichi
16jū roku nichi?nan nichi

Birthday in Japanese

When is your birthday?たんじょうびはいつですか。tanjōbi wa itsu desu ka.
My birthday is on _____._____ がつ _____ にちです。_____ gatsu _____ nichi desu.
Happy Birthdayおたんじょうびおめでとうございますotanjōbi omedetō gozaimasu

The phrase お誕生日おめでとうございます (otanjōbi omedetō gozaimasu) literally means “Congratulations on your birthday.”

Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope I was able to help. Feel free to try writing sentences using this grammar in the comments below!

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初級 (beginner)単語 (Vocabulary)

