Mastering the Potential Form in Japanese: A Complete Guide to Expressing Ability

Potential form Japanese verb conjugation 初級 (beginner)
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.

The potential form in Japanese is essential for expressing ability, allowing you to say what you or others are capable of doing. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll dive into how to conjugate verbs into their potential form across the three main verb groups. By mastering this form, you’ll be able to add a new layer of expression to your Japanese language skills, making your conversations more fluid and natural. Let’s get started on understanding the potential form and how it can enhance your ability to communicate!

Group 1 (U-Verbs)

Rule: Replace the final “i” sound in the verb stem with “e” and add “masu”.

Verb(masu form)Potential Form
うたいます (utaimasu)うたえます (utaemasu)
ひきます (hikimasu)ひけます (hikemasu)
およぎます (oyogimasu)およげます (oyogemasu)
はなします (hanashimasu)はなせます (hanasemasu)
もちます (mochimasu)もてます (motemasu)
あそびます (asobimasu)あそべます (asobemasu)
よみます (yomimasu)のめます (nomemasu)
はしります (hashirimasu)はしれます (hashiremasu)

Group 2 (Ru-Verbs)

Rule: Simply remove ます (masu) and add られます (raremasu).

Verb(masu form)Potential Form
たべます (tabemasu)たべられます (taberaremasu)
しらべます (shirabemasu)しらべられます (shiraberaremasu)
おぼえます (oboemasu)おぼえられます (oboeraremasu)

Group 3 (Irregular Verbs)

Rule: These verbs are irregular and must be memorized.

Verb(masu form)Potential Form
します (shimasu)できます (dekimasu)
きます (kimasu)こられます (koraremasu)

例文 (Examples)

  1. 日本語が話せます。
  2. ひらがなが読めます。
  3. 漢字が書けません。
  4. 運転できません。

ひらなが (Hiragana)

  1. にほんごがはなせます。
  2. ひらがながよめます。
  3. かんじがかけません。
  4. うんてんできません。

英語翻訳 (English Translation)

  1. I can speak Japanese.
  2. I can read Hiragana.
  3. I can’t write Kanji.
  4. I can’t drive.
Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope I was able to help. Feel free to try writing sentences using this grammar in the comments below!

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初級 (beginner)

