The Differences in Similar Japanese Word Meanings

Similar Japanese words 単語 (Vocabulary)
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Embark on a journey as we uncover differences among similar Japanese words. In the vast Japanese language, some terms seem alike, yet subtle nuances distinguish them. Join us in exploring the intricacies and uncovering each word’s unique meaning.


中身 (nakami):

  • Meaning: Contents, interior, or substance.
  • Usage: It is often used to refer to the tangible or physical contents inside an object, such as the contents of a bag, box, or book. It can also be used in a more abstract sense to refer to the inner qualities or substance of something.
  • Example: この箱の中身は何ですか? – What is inside this box?

内容 (naiyō):

  • Meaning: Content or substance.
  • Usage: It is used to express the content or substance of something in a broader sense. It can refer to the subject matter of a book, the content of a conversation, or the substance of a presentation.
  • Example: この本の内容は非常に興味深いですね。 – The content of this book is very interesting.


茹でます (yudemasu):

  • Meaning: To boil or parboil.
  • Usage: This is used when you are boiling ingredients, often in water. It is commonly used for boiling vegetables, pasta, or eggs.
  • Example: 野菜を茹でます。 – Boil vegetables.

沸かします (wakarashimasu):

  • Meaning: To bring to a boil.
  • Usage: This is used when you are bringing water to a boil, typically before adding other ingredients. It refers to the process of making the water hot enough to reach a boiling point.
  • Example: 水を沸かします。 – Bring the water to a boil.


炊く (taku):

  • Meaning: This verb specifically refers to cooking rice or other grains by boiling or steaming. It is used when preparing rice.
  • Example: ご飯を炊く。 – To cook rice.

作る (tsukuru):

  • Meaning: This is a general term for making or creating something. It can be used in various contexts, not only related to food. When used for food, it indicates the act of making a dish or preparing a meal.
  • Example: ケーキを作る。 – To make a cake.

料理する (ryōri suru):

  • Meaning: This is a more general term for cooking or preparing a meal. It encompasses a wide range of activities related to food preparation, including cutting, chopping, seasoning, and cooking.
  • Example: 料理をする。 – To cook or prepare a meal.


帰宅する (kitaku suru):

  • Meaning: This is used to express the action of returning home. It is commonly used when someone is returning home from work, school, or any other location.
  • Example: 仕事が終わったら、すぐに帰宅するつもりです。 – After work, I plan to go straight home.

帰省する (kisei suru):

  • Meaning: This is used to express the action of returning to one’s hometown or parental home. It is often used during special occasions, holidays, or longer periods of absence.
  • Example: 夏休みになると、私はいつも帰省します。 – When it’s summer vacation, I always go back to my hometown.


足す (tasu):

  • Meaning: This is used when you are adding quantities or numbers. It is commonly used in the context of arithmetic or calculations.
  • Example: 5に3を足すと8になります。 – Adding 3 to 5 equals 8.

加える (kuwaeru):

  • Meaning: This is used in a broader sense and can be translated as “to add,” “to include,” or “to append.” It is used when adding not only numerical quantities but also other elements such as information, ingredients, or factors. In the context of cooking, “加えます” is frequently used when instructing to add ingredients to a recipe or mixtures.
  • Example: 材料をボウルに加え、よく混ぜてください。 – Add the ingredients to the bowl and mix well.


追う (ou):

  • Meaning: This verb generally means to chase or follow, and it can be used in various situations. It is a more general term for pursuing something or someone.
  • Example: 彼は夢を追っています。 – He is chasing his dream.

追いかける (oikakeru):

  • Meaning: This verb also means to chase or pursue, but it often carries a nuance of actively and energetically chasing or pursuing something or someone.
  • Example: 子供たちは公園でボールを追いかけています。 (Kodomotachi wa kōen de bōru o oikaketeimasu.) – The children are chasing the ball in the park.


接続する (setsuzoku suru):

  • Meaning: This term is commonly used in the context of technology or communication, such as connecting devices, networks, or systems. It is often associated with the establishment of a link or a relationship between two or more entities.
  • Example: インターネットに接続する。 – To connect to the internet.

繋ぐ (tsunagu):

  • Meaning: This verb has a broader usage and can mean to physically connect, tie, or link things together. It is not limited to technological connections and can be used in a more general sense, such as connecting people, ideas, or objects.
  • Example: 手を繋ぐ。 – To hold hands.

