English Translation【第3課】ごちそう・中級から学ぶ日本語(テーマ別)三訂版

ごちそう 中級から学ぶ日本語 未分類
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.


目をやるTo look at, to cast one’s eyes
ほっとするTo feel relieved
すますTo finish
習い事Lessons, learning activity
〜うちWhile, during
準備するTo prepare
温めるTo warm up
変わるTo change
変化するTo undergo a change
風景Scenery, landscape
声を上げるTo raise one’s voice
姿Appearance, figure
The past, old times
遊び疲れるTo get tired from playing
囲むTo surround
商品Product, goods
時間をかけるTo take time


  1. Do you cook your own meals?
  2. Do you usually eat slowly?
  3. Who do you often eat with?


An elementary school student eats dinner alone while staring at the TV screen. After coming home from school, without even a moment to relax, they quickly finish dinner and head off to lessons. Their middle school-aged sister arrives home at that time. She heats up the dinner their mother prepared earlier in the day, quickly eats, and goes to her English lessons. By the time their mother finishes work and gets home, the children are already gone. The mother eats dinner alone. The father says he’ll be late again tonight. Times change, and many things change along with them, and one of those things is the way we have our meals.

It feels like the days when the whole family would gather around, talk about what happened that day, and laugh out loud have become a thing of the past. There was a time when children, tired from playing and hungry, would say, “I wonder what’s for dinner tonight?” or “I hope Dad comes home soon,” eagerly anticipating dinner. But now, the times when the family sits together at the table have become fewer and fewer. It’s long been said that “mealtime is a time to strengthen family bonds,” but now, both mealtime and family relationships seem to be undergoing significant changes.

Nowadays, supermarkets and convenience stores are overflowing with food. There are plenty of ready-made meals, designed to be easy and nutritionally balanced for people with busy lives. Just by selecting from these options, you can have a feast on the table without spending much time. The image of a mother slowly preparing meals, thinking, “What should I make for the kids who are looking forward to dinner?” or “What would make my tired husband happy when he gets home?” has become much less common. Perhaps, in this day and age, the idea of the whole family sitting down together for a meal has become nothing more than a nostalgic scene from the past.


  1. How does the elementary school student eat dinner?
  2. What about the middle school older sister?
  3. What about the father and mother?
  4. What was the dining scene like in the past?
  5. What did the children think about meals?
  6. What significance did meals have at that time?
  7. What kind of products are lined up in supermarkets and convenience stores?
  8. Do you take time to cook meals now?
  9. What kind of scenery is the author referring to as nostalgic?



  1. What is the current dining scene like?
  2. What significance did meals have in the past?
  3. Why has it changed now?


  1. How do you have meals in your house? What kind of conversations do you have with your family during meals? Do you think meals are an important time?
  2. Do you eat at the same time every day? What kind of food do you choose to eat? Is there anything you are careful about when eating?

