How to Say “Once a Week” in Japanese | Essential Japanese Time Expressions

週に1回, grammar 初級 (beginner)
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.

In Japanese, knowing how to express time intervals is incredibly useful, especially for describing routines and habits. Whether you’re planning to meet friends, schedule study sessions, or set goals, phrases like “once a week” are essential. Let’s dive into the meaning and usage of this expression, along with other handy time-related phrases.

Durations in Japanese

A day1日(いちにち)ichi nichi
A week1週間(いっしゅうかん)isshuukan
A month1ヶ月(いっかげつ)ikkagetsu
A year1年(いちねん)ichi nen

Express “times” in Japanese

Twice2回(にかい)ni kai
Three times3回(さんかい)san kai
Four times4回(よんかい)yon kai
Five times5回(ごかい)go kai

説明 (Explanation)



英語(English):In Japanese, you can express how often something occurs by combining a time duration with a frequency. The structure typically follows the pattern of [time duration] + に(ni) + [frequency].

If you want to ask questions about how many times, here is the lesson.

例文 (Examples)

  1. 1日に3回コーヒーを飲みます。
  2. 1週間に3回ジムに行きます。
  3. 1ヶ月に4回ぐらい家族に電話します。
  4. 1年に2回ぐらい旅行します。

ひらなが (Hiragana)

  1. いちにちにさんかいコーヒーをのみます。
  2. いっしゅうかんにさんかいジムにいきます。
  3. いっかげつによんかいぐらいかぞくにでんわします。
  4. いちねんににかいぐらいりょこうします。


  1. ichinichi ni sankai koohii o nomimasu.
  2. ishuukan ni sankai jimu ni ikimasu.
  3. ikagetsu ni yonkai gurai kazoku ni denwa shimasu.
  4. ichinen ni nikai gurai ryokou shimasu.

英語翻訳 (English Translation)

  1. I drink coffee three times a day.
  2. I go to the gym three times a week.
  3. I call my family about four times a month.
  4. I travel about twice a year.
Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope I was able to help. Feel free to try writing sentences using this grammar in the comments below!

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初級 (beginner)

