English Translation【第15課】旅行かばん・中級から学ぶ日本語(テーマ別)三訂版

旅行かばん 中級から学ぶ日本語 未分類
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.


問いかけQuestion, inquiry
一言A word, brief comment
変えるTo change, to alter
講演するTo give a lecture, to present
講演者Speaker, lecturer
耳を傾けるTo listen carefully, to lend an ear
ふれ合いInteraction, close contact
旅するTo travel
著者Author, writer
依頼するTo request, to commission
若者Young person, youth
何気ないCasual, nonchalant
思わずUnintentionally, reflexively
知らぬ間にBefore one knows it, without realizing
いい気になるTo get conceited, to feel smug
出会いEncounter, meeting
気が合うTo get along well
〜をはじめStarting with, including
歩き回るTo walk around, to wander
体験するTo experience
重ねるTo accumulate, to repeat
さすがにAs expected, just as one would expect
感心するTo be impressed, to admire
表情Expression, facial expression
調子に乗るTo get carried away, to get cocky
独特なUnique, distinctive
自慢するTo boast, to show off
自慢げなProud, boastful
そういえばNow that you mention it, come to think of it
話を合わせるTo go along with someone’s story, to agree with
黙り込むTo fall silent, to shut up
清潔なClean, tidy
〜わけがないThere’s no way that ~
〜だけにBecause ~, as expected of ~
ショックなShocking, surprising
気がつくTo notice, to realize
おかしいStrange, funny
恥ずかしいEmbarrassing, ashamed
ものが見えるTo see something
冒頭Beginning, opening
詰めるTo stuff, to pack
まとめるTo summarize, to organize
テーマTheme, topic
願うTo hope, to wish
添えるTo add, to attach
和むTo feel relaxed, to be at ease
拍手するTo applaud
締めくくるTo conclude, to bring to a close


  1. Do you like traveling?
  2. What factors do you consider when deciding on your travel destination?
  3. Are there any people or places from your past travels that left a strong impression on you?


The conversation began with the surprising question, ‘Have you ever been told, “You smell too”?’. The speaker continued, “That one comment changed me,” capturing the audience’s attention. This occurred during a lecture given by the author of the bestseller Sekai Fureai no tabi. A casual remark from a young person changed the speaker, who realized he had become overly pleased with the success of their book without even realizing it. Then the speaker began to talk about their experiences in India.

The speaker got along with a young person who had studied in Japan and decided to have a meal together. When the speaker said, “I have traveled around Asia and the world, meeting people and having experiences,” the young person asked, “Please tell me about various places.” The young person listened with an impressed expression, saying, “Wow. You really are someone who’s traveled the world.” The speaker then, got carried away and started talking about smells. “Every place has its unique smell, and even with my eyes closed, I can tell where I am.” When the speaker said this proudly, the young person replied, “Speaking of which, Japan is like that too.” With that one comment, the speaker fell silent.

The speaker was shocked by the young person’s comment, as he had assumed that there wouldn’t be any smells in clean Japan. However, upon reflection, the young person’s point that there might be a “Japanese smell” that Japanese people don’t notice made sense. The speaker felt unable to respond because he was embarrassed that he had never considered how their living environment appeared to others. He thought, “Is it possible to connect without knowing yourself? If I don’t start by understanding my own smell, I won’t be able to understand or see others.” This is how the young person’s comment resonated with the speaker.

In closing, the opening words were repeated: ‘Being told, “You smell too” changed me.’ The speaker concluded by saying, ”Now, with the awareness that I, too, have a smell, I continue my journey, packing it into my travel bag.” The speaker added, “I hope to write my next bestseller on this theme,” bringing warmth to the audience and concluding the talk with a round of applause.


  1. What kind of person is the speaker?
  2. What words changed the speaker’s perspective?
  3. In India, who did the speaker meet, and what conversation did they have?
  4. How did the person from India respond to the speaker’s story?
  5. What did the speaker feel embarrassed about?
  6. How did the young person’s remark resonate with the speaker?
  7. What thoughts does the speaker have as they continue their trip?
  8. How did the speaker conclude the lecture?



  1. What did the speaker talk about to the youth in India?
  2. What did the youth say at that time?
  3. From that one comment, what did the speaker realize?


  1. What has been the most enjoyable trip you’ve taken so far? Who did you go with, and what did you do there?
  2. What place would you like to introduce to a foreigner in the area where you were born? What is that place like, and what can one do there?
Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope I was able to help. Feel free to try writing sentences using this grammar in the comments below!

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