English Translation【第2課】花の名前・中級から学ぶ日本語(テーマ別)三訂版

花の名前 中級から学ぶ日本語 未分類
こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.


交通機関Transportation system
通うTo commute
利用するTo use / To utilize
この間The other day / Recently
Ahead / Future / The point in front
動くTo move
耳に入るTo hear (news/information)
ことにするTo decide (to do something)
はっきりするTo become clear
まようTo get lost / To be confused
見当をつけるTo guess / To have an idea
Side / Horizontal
見つけるTo find
宣伝するTo advertise
にっこりするTo smile
会釈するTo bow / To nod
気が進まないReluctant / Unwilling


  1. What transportation do you use often?
  2. Are there any interesting shops or signs on the roads you usually pass?
  3. Do you have a favorite place on the roads you usually pass? Why do you like it?


Since coming to Japan, I haven’t been walking much. Before coming to Japan, public transportation wasn’t as convenient as it is here, so I walked a lot. I used to walk to school while chatting with my friends. In Japan, I take the subway to school, and I often use buses and trains to go shopping or hang out with friends, so I’ve stopped walking as much.

The other day, on my way home from school, the subway had stopped. When I was worried, I overheard people saying that the train would be running if we went to the station two stops ahead. So, since I wasn’t in a hurry and the weather was nice, I decided to walk. I wasn’t sure of the direction, so I was worried that I might get lost, but I had a rough idea and started walking.

After walking a bit, I came across a big park where many flowers were blooming. The names of the flowers were written next to them. When I saw the names we had learned in school, I was happy to realize that these were the flowers. It took about 30 minutes to get to the station, so I was a bit tired. But I was really happy to see companies and restaurants that are often advertised on TV, and to see mountains in the distance. Sometimes, people smiled and nodded at me, which made me very happy. Until now, I had always used the same route and taken the subway, so I didn’t know this kind of scenery. At first, I wasn’t really eager to walk, but I’m glad I did. From now on, I plan to walk whenever I have time.


  1. What kind of person is the author?
  2. Why did the author walk often before coming to Japan?
  3. Why has the author stopped walking recently?
  4. What happened recently?
  5. What did the author hear at the station?
  6. What did the author do after hearing it?
  7. What did the author find in the park that made the author happy?
  8. What did the author see while walking?
  9. What did the author think when they arrived at the station?



  1. Does the author walk often in Japan?
  2. What did the author do when the subway stopped?
  3. What did the author think at that time?


  1. Where do you live now? Tell me what you have in the area where you live now. What is the area like where you live now?
  2. What types of stores are common in your neighborhood? Why do you think that is? Have you ever found something interesting when observing people walking in your neighborhood? Why do you think that is?

