English Translation【第10課】腕時計・中級から学ぶ日本語(テーマ別)三訂版

こんにちは(konnichiwa)! Hi, everyone. It's me Kanako. In this blog, I am sharing a great tip to learn Japanese along with some grammar and useful example sentences with English translations. You can search for them using the search bar.


出張するTo go on a business trip
引っ込むTo retreat
Connection, fate
耳に残るRemain in one’s ears, stick in one’s memory
追うTo chase
きらうTo dislike, hate
唯一Only, sole
亡くすTo lose (someone)
しばらくFor a while
外出するTo go out
時間が経つTime passes
〜につれてAs (something) happens
〜どころかかえってInstead of, On the contrary
余裕To have leeway, have extra capacity
だいじょうぶAlright, okay
間に合うBe in time, make it
いらいらするTo get frustrated
〜からといってJust because (something), doesn’t mean
意識するBe aware of
〜わけではないIt’s not that…
外れるTo get wrong
以前Previously, before
〜たびにEvery time
腰を上げるGet up, rise u
取りかかるTo start, begin
起こるTo happen
振り回すTo be controlled
語りかける9To speak to


  1. How many times a day do you check the time?
  2. Besides a clock, is there anything else you use to check the time?
  3. Do you ever feel busy because you don’t have enough time?


My husband passed away in an unexplained plane crash while on a business trip overseas, and it has been almost three years. He wasn’t very talkative, but he would often repeat, ‘When I retire, I’ll move to the countryside and live a life without a watch.’ Those words still echo in my mind. My husband, who disliked living a life constantly chasing time, left behind his wristwatch, saying, “I’ll buy a new one at the airport.” That is the only thing that remains as a memory of the accident, as nothing else returned.

After losing my husband in the accident, I tried to forget it by not wearing a watch when I went out or went to work for a while. At first, it felt inconvenient, but as time passed, I found that it wasn’t inconvenient at all. In fact, I started to feel more relaxed. I no longer checked the time repeatedly while walking, thinking “I wonder if I’ll be okay. Will I make it on time?” or became frustrated while waiting for the train.

Strangely, I’ve also stopped looking at the clock much inside the house. Just because I don’t look at the clock doesn’t mean I’m not aware of time. I live by estimating what time it might be and how many minutes have passed. I rarely get it wrong. Before, every time I looked at the clock, I was always thinking “how many more minutes?” and living under the pressure of time. Now, it’s more like ‘It’s about time,’ and I start preparing to go out or get ready for meals.

I wonder what kind of watch my husband bought before his departure. Could the accident have happened while he was, as usual, checking his watch over and over again during the flight? Now, I sometimes speak to his wristwatch, saying, “I didn’t retreat to the countryside, but I’ve gotten used to a life without a watch. I’m no longer controlled by time, and I’m living a life free from the constraints of a watch.”


  1. When and how did the author’s husband pass away?
  2. What was the author’s husband’s catchphrase?
  3. What did the author do to forget the accident?
  4. Did the author find it inconvenient?
  5. Why did the author stop looking at the clock?
  6. How is the author’s current life different from before?
  7. At what times does the author think the accident might have happened?
  8. What does the author say to the author’ husband’s wristwatch?



  1. Why did the author stop wearing a watch?
  2. How did life change as a result?
  3. What does the author want to convey to the author’s husband now?


  1. What is your daily schedule like? Do you want to live a life without being tied to a clock? Why is that?
  2. Do you feel like you’re busy every day? Why do you think that is? What kind of life do you consider to be a life with more freedom and relaxation?

